Monday, November 1, 2010

Mustache Mondays! Support Movember!

November is here and what better way to celebrate than harboring bristles on my upper lip.  By now you are probably wondering why you are reading this and what this has to do with cycling.  Before you exit, keep in mind that Felippo Pozzato is bringing the mustache flare to the pro peloton with gusto:
In an effort to raise finds for and promote men's health, I have decided to don a mustache for the month of November in support of Movember, a month long fund raising initiative to raise funds for LIVESTRONG and The Prostate Cancer Foundation.  

Check back every monday for mustache tid-bits, photo updates on my upper lip, and reasons why growing a mustache will make you faster.  Please donate to Elite Cycling's fund raising efforts by visiting the Movember website here. 

1 comment:

  1. Wow...I honestly can't wait to see you with a full-on 'stache. I might have to come in and buy something just to witness it in person!
